Learning to Lead in Ministry (D201)
English - Course Catalog
Diploma In Ministries
Learning to Lead in Ministry (D201)
There is a great need for good leaders in the church today. Whenever there is a good leader, you will see development and prosperity. Each person who is called to a ministry is called to leadership. A gospel minister must demonstrate leadership...
Ephesians (D202)
English - Course Catalog
Diploma In Ministries
Ephesians (D202)
Paul's Letter to the Ephesians is a short account in theology. Because of its majestic and exalted content, it had been hailed as "The Queen of the Epistles". Although it does not cover every theological subject, several central truths which are...
Supernatural Health and Healing (D203)
English - Course Catalog
Diploma In Ministries
Supernatural Health and Healing (D203)
For years theologians and religious discussed the issue of healing. Some say yes, others say no. What does the Bible say then? The Word of God is what counts! What I say or what other clergymen or theologians say carries no weight, especially if...
Supernatural Gifts (D204)
English - Course Catalog
Diploma In Ministries
Supernatural Gifts (D204)
This course encourages each believer to understand that God wants to use it to build His Kingdom on earth. We should not rely on our own talents and abilities because we cannot do anything of spiritual value with our own strength.
Praise And Worship (D205)
English - Course Catalog
Diploma In Ministries
Praise And Worship (D205)
Today we experience the fulfillments of God's prophecies to restore true praise and worship to His Church. There was a progression to enter the tabernacle of Moses by the priests of the Old Testament, there is also a perfection to enter the Holy...
Preparing for Ministry (D206)
English - Course Catalog
Diploma In Ministries
Preparing for Ministry (D206)
As a pastor, one of the questions I have asked myself frequently is, "How can I know what God had called me to?" If you are one of those who has never wondered what your future holds, this is the purpose of this course to lead you into divine...
Kingdom Principles (D207)
English - Course Catalog
Diploma In Ministries
Kingdom Principles (D207)
In this course the Kingdom of God is presented as being available with an acquisition present here. Each search for a spirit of hunger submitting to the government of God will be enriched through the message contained in the pages of this course.
Anointed For Ministry (D208)
English - Course Catalog
Diploma In Ministries
Anointed For Ministry (D208)
The course teaches that the true purpose of the Anointing is service. It is to glorify the Lord and benefit humanity. The anointing will strengthen, stimulate and equip the student to destroy the enemies of God, and make him glorify God in his...
The 21st Century Church (D209)
English - Course Catalog
Diploma In Ministries
The 21st Century Church (D209)
Churches face an incessant challenge to remain culturally adequate without compromising biblical principles. How will the 21st century church appear? We need to examine the current condition of the church, our changing culture, and if possible...
Environmental Analysis (D210)
English - Course Catalog
Diploma In Ministries
Environmental Analysis (D210)
Students learn environmental analysis on an individual, ecclesial (church-related), and organizational basis. They learn how to analyze the spiritual environment of a village, town, state or nation before entering it with the gospel message.

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